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dpylint is a pylint extension for linting python code using the library


You’ll need to have python and pylint installed in order to use the extension

Currently there are two ways to install dpylint


.pylintrc file

You can create a new file called .pylintrc and add this to that file in order to make sure the extension is loaded



command line argument

Alternatively if you usually run pylint from the command line, you can pass --load-plugins=dpylint to pylint to load the plugin when using it from the command line

pylint --load-plugins=dpylint


In order to use the extension with vscode, make sure you have the python extension installed, then you can do either


Name ID Details
invalid-permission-name E9001 An invalid permission was passed to has_permissions (for a list of valid permissions see the docs
invalid-permission-value W9002 The value passed to has_permissions should be either True or False
no-permissions-specified W9003 There should be at least one valid permission passed to has_permissions
invalid-event-name E9004 An invalid event was used (for a list of valid events see the docs)
invalid-event-params E9005 The event signature has invalid parameters
misleading-client C9006 A bot instance should not be named client

For more detailed information see checks More checks will be added in the future


Let’s say we have the following file with the name

"""A file to show a demo of dpylint"""
from discord.ext import commands

async def test(ctx):
    """Tests the permission value passed to has_permissions"""
    await ctx.send("hi")

async def test(ctx):
    """Tests the permission name passed to has_permissions"""
    await ctx.send("hi")

async def test(ctx):
    """Tests if any permissions were passed to has_permissions"""
    await ctx.send("hi")

async def test(ctx):
    """Tests if the parameters taken in the function match the parameters that the event has"""
    return ctx

async def on_message(message, user):
    """Tests if the parameters taken in the function match the parameters that the event has"""
    return message, user

async def test(ctx):
    """Tests if the event name is right"""
    return ctx

async def on_guld_jon(ctx):
    """Tests if the event name is right"""
    return ctx

class MyBot(commands.Bot):
    """Custom bot subclass demo"""

client = commands.Bot("!")
client = MyBot()

Then running pylint will show these problems with our code: W9002: Permission Value should not be "a", it should be either True or False (invalid-permission-value) E9001: Invalid Permission Name: "manage_server", did you mean manage_guild (invalid-permission-name) W9003: No Permissions Specified (no-permissions-specified) E9005: Invalid Parameters Passed to on_ready: (ctx) valid parameters are () (invalid-event-params) E9005: Invalid Parameters Passed to on_message: (message, user) valid parameters are (message) (invalid-event-params) E9004: Invalid Event Name "on_tpying", did you mean on_typing (invalid-event-name) E9004: Invalid Event Name "on_guld_jon", did you mean on_guild_join (invalid-event-name) C9006: A bot instance should not be named client (misleading-client) C9006: A bot instance should not be named client (misleading-client)


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