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The extensions supports different formatting options for different languages. For example the syntax for creating a hyperlink in html is different from doing the same thing in markdown.

The formatting syntax if the same as the lodash.template syntax.

In short, you can use ${} to interpolate variables and you can use a dot (.) to access nested values just like javascript.
For example [${selectedText}](${link} \"${title}\") will be the markdown link syntax for showing the currently selected text in vscode with a hyperlink to the selected search result and the hover text would be the page title


There are a lot of different things you can use in your templates. The main ones are given below

Name Description
title The title of the search result
htmlTitle The title of the search result in html format
selectedText The currently selected text inside vscode, can be empty
link The full url to the search result
displayLink The shortened version for the link for the search result. This is usually just the domain name
snippet The description of the search result as seen on google
htmlSnippet The description of the search result in html format as seen on google
formattedUrl The URL of the search result as seen on google
htmlFormattedUrl The URL of the search result formatted in html format as seen on google
pagemap.cse_thumbnail The thumbnail of the search result
pagemap.cse_image The image of the search result
cacheId The ID of the cached version of the page. The url format for cached pages is${cacheID}:${siteURL}